SoftBot AI or more simply known as SoftBot, named after SoftDiamond, is a Twitch AI ChatBot that is able to reply to any user whether it be a question or a general message. SoftBot AI is known for his playful but mischievous nature, and love for potatoes as well.
SoftBot AI Channel Redeem For 100 points
Using the redeem Talk to SoftBot AI, which has a small cooldown.
Sending a message that includes a cheer (bits) of 100 or more. This method does not have a cooldown.
Command Name
Appearance (If Applicable)
Puts SoftBot AI behind bars. Stays on for 5 minutes.
Gives SoftBot AI a hat to wear. Stays on for 5 minutes.
Gives SoftBot AI a pair of MLG Glasses to wear. Stays on for 5 minutes.