SoftDiamond Wiki:Copyrights

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In general, all original content (unless otherwise noted) on this site falls under Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Some types of content may fall under All Rights Reserved. It is important to note that some original content on this site may hold different licenses, which are listed below the definitions of copyright licenses below:

Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Which essentially states that:

  • You may copy content from this site, provided you attribute it to SoftDiamond.
  • Non-commercial usage
  • You may copy the content from this site, assuming no deratives or adaptations are made.

All Rights Reserved, which states that:

  • Content may not be reproduced, redistributed, or adapted on in any form without permission.


Images, unless otherwise noted, are considered All Rights Reserved.


Templates and their documentations are free for others to use and modify.

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