Game Commands

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Revision as of 21:31, 4 August 2024 by SoftDiamond (talk | contribs)
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This page is about Game Commands. For a list of commands that are used on stream that are not game specific, see Stream Commands

This page features commands that can be used to interact with games via the stream chat.

Twitch Plays

Commands are not case sensitive.

Lethal Company

Command Name Aliases Results Version/Modpack Used
forward forwards Moves Forward Any
left Moves Left Any
right Moves Right Any
backward backwards Moves Backwards Any
jump Jumps Any
crouch duck Crouches Any
sprint run Sprint Any
sprintjump runjump, sprint jump, run jump, rump, sump Sprint Jump Forward Any
walkjump fowardsjump, walk jump, forward jump, wump Forwards Jump Any
lookleft look left Look Left Any
lookright look right Look Right Any
lookup look up Look Up Any
lookdown look down Look Down Any
grab pick up, interact Grab Item Any
land lever, pulllever, pull lever Used for taking off, or landing Any
scan Scan for items Any
attack, use hit Attack, Use Item Any
stop Stop Movements Any
scroll right scrollright Change Items (Right) Any
scroll left scrollleft Change Items (Left) Any
drop Drop Item Any


for third person: third person, 3rdperson, 3rd person, 3rd, third

for first person: first person, 1stperson, 1st person, 1st, first

Toggle Third Person and First Person Mode Any Modded Instance

Individual Games

This section is reserved for games with their own methods of interaction via Stream Chat.


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